Monday, July 12, 2010

5-30-10 Christopher's confirmation


This was a laid back affair with a mix of adult and grade school kids to celebrate this confirmation / baptism. I kept the music mostly top 40 as I wanted to keep good energy for this Sunday afternoon soiree. The highlight of the afternoon was a "who can do the best soljha boy dance contest"! I had to entice the kids with a good ol' fashioned bribe but it was all in good fun. I offered up five bucks to no takers then the parents offered up some more bucks eventually bringing the pot up to 20 bucks for the dance off. This got the kids going and led to an enthusiastic climax to which our 4 finalist tied to score 5 bucks a piece. Although it wasn't a rocking dance party it was about what I expected for a lazy Sunday afternoon.


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